Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Crystle and Rocco ~ Family Session

I dislike the rain. Like I really dislike the rain. I hate when my feet get wet and when my hair gets damp and hangs all lifeless. I dont understand people who like the rain. When I am getting ready to go to a photo session and it starts to rain I contemplate having a 2-year-old temper tantrum and throwing my camera.

This is what happened the other weekend when I had planned a family session with Crystle and Rocco (No, I didn't throw my camera, but it did start to rain just before I was set to leave). I text Crystle asking her if she wanted to re-schedule and she text me back 'We are still good if you are!' And just like that we were pushing through.... and I am so happy we did!

I have never seen three people laugh and smile so much toegther. They just made everything so much fun that it didn't matter if my feet were wet! By no means have they changed my opinion on the rain, but they certainly did show that nothing stops the three of them from making everything they do together amazing!

Isn't Crystle a beauty? (I know you are nodding your head right now). She is also one heck of a cake decorator. She actually recently launched her own cake and cupcake design business called CMC Custom Cakes. You can check out some of her work here and pehaps even place an order for you upcoming fabulous Holiday party.

xo B

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